The Benefits Of Proper Nutrition
Most of us have the feeling that we could or should be eating better. The benefits of proper nutrition should be obvious, but sometimes we need a reminder to motivate us make better food choices.
Here are seven reasons why we should all be more careful when it comes to eating well.
7 Helpful Hints on the Benefits of Proper Nutrition
1. Strong bones come from eating a diet rich in calcium. Foods rich in calcium come from the dairy group, and also from green vegetables, such as, spinach.
If you are going to be getting your calcium from dairy products look for something with extra Vitamin D as it will help your body take in the calcium easier.
Calcium is also an essential nutrient to prevent Osteoporosis in women as they age, that is caused by weak bones that turn brittle. Make sure to choose low fat and nonfat dairy products, such as, cheese, milk and yogurt to maintain good heart health.
2. Weight control: As long as you are eating properly with a diet rich in lean proteins, low in fat and high in vegetables and staying active you will continue to maintain a healthy body weight.
3. Heart health: If you are concerned with heart health, as all of us should be, the optimum nutrition to that end is a diet that is rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruit, and low in unhealthy fats.
When your heart is healthy you can avoid heart disease, high cholesterol and premature death, the fact that heart attack is one of the leading causes of death in the United States makes it one of the most important reasons to eat right.
4. Healthier immune system: When you are eating right you are increasing your high-density lipoprotein, or as it is more commonly known as, good cholesterol. This helps boost the body’s immune system.
Also, regular intake of all essential vitamins and minerals goes a long way to preventing various ailments, such as, the common cold.
Good nutrition even offers benefits when it comes to cancer prevention. There are many triggers for cancer; many of them can be associated with an unhealthy diet.
Antioxidant rich foods play a significant role in preventing various cancers. Vitamin C that is found in a lot of fruits and vegetables, including, oranges, grapefruit, bell peppers, and broccoli facilitate the prevention of the growth of cancer-causing nitrogen compounds. Additionally, berries, sweet potatoes and other antioxidant rich foods help with cancer prevention as well.
Foods rich in Vitamin E, such as peanuts, almonds and various seeds have been shown through research data to reduce the risk of stomach, colon, lung, liver, and various other cancer diseases.
5. Mental Health: Good nutrition improves the mood. The truth is that by eating healthy your brain is getting all of the nutrition it needs and your body is satisfied, and this improves your overall mood. Hunger is a major mood killer.
Eating empty calorie foods, such as cookies on the other hand, may give you a sugar rush, but when you crash you take your mood with you. Chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins in the brain and that greatly improves mood.
Your brain is one of the most important parts of your body and should be cared for at all times. If you eat properly, you will be fighting off the chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.
There are also brain healthy foods, like, walnuts and salmon that can help to maintain optimal memory levels. Dark chocolate provides powerful antioxidant properties, and caffeine that promotes concentration and focus.
6. Good Digestion: Maintaining digestive health is another great benefit of eating a healthy diet. A diet rich in fiber helps with whole grains, and green leafy vegetables being your best sources along with drinking plenty of water each day will ensure that you will not experience the typical issues that can occur with the digestive tract.
7. Increased Energy Levels: When you eat right, your body is getting the fuel it needs to function properly. This means that all of your organs are working properly, and when everything is working properly, you just feel better and have more energy.
Imagine how you feel after you eat a donut versus a salad. There is a noticeable difference when the food is nutritious versus empty sugar. And, all that sugar will only give you a temporary rush followed by a serious energy crash.
Here are just seven of the important benefits of proper nutrition. To help you on your way to eating better, we are offering a special report: Clean Eating: How and Why to Cut Out Processed Food for Busy People.
Get the eBookClean Eating – Choose the best foods for a healthier you
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Norma Esler
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