Why You Might Need a New Website
Does Your Business Need a New Website?
Sometimes business owners build a website and then just move on and forget about it. For them, a website is just a brochure that people can view online. It is unfortunate, because websites can work for you, bringing in business leads around the clock if they are designed correctly.
If you’re not sure whether or not you need a new website, here are some hints to help you decide.
7 Helpful Hints on Why You Might Need a New Website
1) Your Website Is Uninspiring – Go to your website and look at it as if you’re a member of your target audience. How do you feel when you see it? If you’re unimpressed and bored, your audience is too. A website should be designed with the audience in mind. If it’s not, the audience will not be impressed.
You just might be ready for a refreshed website with a new outlook that better captures your audience’s attention in a way that makes it easy to deliver the message you want them to know.
2) Your Target Market Has Changed – Over years of doing business, sometimes the focus of the business changes to a new target audience – whether due to a better understanding of target markets or due to a real change in products and services. If your business has experienced this kind of change, it is important to consider a new website design.
3) Your Website Content Lacks Proper Focus – While not requiring a total remake in design, if your content isn’t focused on your audience and written with them in mind, then you’ll need a complete overhaul of the content on your site.
4) New Technology Is Available – Is your shopping cart, newsletter, blogging or content management system outdated? If it’s been a few years since you updated the technology you use then it is likely time to consider updating it.
5) Your Search Engine Ranking Is Dropping – Old technology isn’t good at keeping up with new search engine technology. Plus, if your website looks outdated to visitors who do find it, they’ll just click away.
6) Your Website Is Not Mobile – More people are using mobile technology to access websites than ever before. In fact, mobile technology is outselling personal computers. If your audience member clicks through to your site and cannot read it, they won’t be back.
7) Your Site Is Not Interactive Enough – A new website with all the interactive bells and whistles and interactivity is expected today. The ability to make comments, share on social media, and engage with the audience is very important. If your website lacks that ability, it’s imperative that you update your website today.
Sometimes you just need a new website because you want one, but other times you need a new website design because yours is old-fashioned and no longer serves your audience.
For the best results, deal with someone who has experience and is knowledgeable. 7HelpfulHints.com is created, hosted and maintained by the good folks at HomeFreeHost.com. Visit HomeFreeHost for your website design, setup, and hosting.
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Norma Esler
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